About Us
OjaNLA.com is a classified ads and online marketplace for all items, both new and old, where buyers can meet sellers. We allow sellers to upload information about products or services that they want to sell or rent, so that the interested buyers can connect with them.
Our categories include Real Estate, Vehicles, Services. Computer & IT, Jobs, Food & Agric, Phone & Tablet and more.
We bridge the gap between people that need certain items or services and people that have the items or service to sell or rent.
If you have any item, new or used that you want to sell or rent out, or you want to buy new or used items, OjaNLA.com is the best platform to visit.
Services Professionals and Handyman are also available on OjaNLA.com. Just visit our website www.OjaNLA.com to post your service advert or search for the service providers that you are looking for.
How to use OjaNLA.com
OjaNLA.com is a classified Ads and online marketplace platform designed to serve both the sellers and buyers of goods and services by bridging the gaps between them. Our platform provides an avenue for both new and used items to be traded at an agreed prices between the sellers and the buyers.
Hence, this part will be segmented into two parts as follows. One is for the sellers that post Ads on the platform. While the other part is for buyers that buy the goods and services that are advertised buy the sellers.
As a Seller
1. Create Account
Visit OjaNLA.com and Register with your e-mail and phone number (or do it via Facebook or Google). Make sure you enter a correct phone number, so your clients could reach you fast. When you fill the detail correctly, your e-mail will be verified. After the verification, you can go ahead to market your products and services.
2. Choose a Promotion Package or Membership
Check out our Packages Prices and choose one to boost your ads. We also have the Membership packages.
3. Make photos of your items
Feel free to make a lot of photos using your Smartphone. Make sure they show your item in the best light.
4. Post Your Ads
Click on Post Your Ads. Select a proper category and Sub-category, upload your pictures and accurately write a clear title and full description of your items or services. Put the correct price, select Types and send your advert for review. If everything is ok with your advert, it will be on OjaNLA.com in few hours after sending for review.
You will receive a notification when your advert goes live. Check your messages and be ready to earn money.
5. Get Offers
Respond to messages and calls from your clients. Then sell your items or services.